Covid Policy


PNA is dedicated to bringing back netball to our members; we have produced risk management and risk mitigation documents which outline the precautions PNA are implementing to help minimise the transmission of the coronavirus during PNA organised netball activities. These precautions are aligned to the Government and England Netball’s current guidance but will be amended if their guidance changes e.g. local lockdown.

Kimberley Churchill, with full support from the committee, share the PNA lead Covid-19 officer role; they will regularly review the PNA risk assessment/mitigation documents to ensure they remain aligned to the national guidance and they will liaise with your team’s Covid-19 officers. Email

Whilst PNA is committed to providing a safe as possible environment to play netball, every participant in a PNA activity has an important part to play and is responsible for adhering to the rules set out in this guidance, the standard PNA rules and the Bye Laws. Some rules in this guidance, which will be highlighted, will supersede the existing PNA rules and Bye Laws until further notice.

By strictly adhering to England Netball and PNA guidance we are providing evidence that we are all taking reasonable and practical steps to mitigate the risk of infection through netball; this will help to ensure that our England Netball insurance cover is not invalidated.

England Netball’s latest Re-start Guidance can be found on the EN website.

General Protocols

Floaters are not allowed for the PNA Carry on Rising League. (Supersedes Section 2.9 of PNA Rules).

A maximum of 30 spectators are allowed per venue, although outside of the court boundary. They must complete all Track and Trace protocols and ensure social distancing is maintained.

At least one toilet will be open at the venue; attendees must not enter the building until a toilet becomes free, when queuing social distancing must be maintained. As the toilets are located in a building, you must use a face covering.

PNA will provide all teams with a sanitiser pack, consisting of wipes and gel, before their first game of a covid-19 restricted league; please note that once a team has been given a pack, they will not receive another pack if they enter another covid-19 restricted league.

Teams will be responsible for replenishing the sanitiser pack and should bring their pack to all matches.

PNA will have sanitising products at the venue to ensure all equipment is cleaned between matches.

PNA will provide disposal bags for used sanitiser products.

Each team must bring a ball to the match, which must be sanitised before entering the courts.

Teams are restricted to 8 participants in the court area

Matches can only start/continue if there are 2 umpires.

Player signatures will not be required (Supersedes relevant paragraphs under Registration Guidance in Registration Rules).

Registration forms will not be required for new players; instead, team captains must email the registration secretary ( ) with the details of the new player.

Each match will be of 40 minutes duration, 4 x 10-minute quarters; injury time will not be added at the end of the game.

Shouting, huddles, High 5’s and any other non-game contact is not allowed at the venue.

Bibs must not be shared during the match; a second set of bibs should be brought to the match to aid substitution/position changes. If using a second set results in a violation of kit colours, teams will not be penalised (Supersedes PNA Rule 3.2).

A team will be suspended from the league if a non-registered player/official enters the court area. In this instance registered means having an active EN membership and linked to PNA on ENgage.

There will be no promotion or relegation for the league

A team will not be penalised if a game is called off at short notice because of Covid-19 related reasons e.g. participants having to self-isolate, have Covid -19 symptoms etc (Supersedes PNA Rule 6.1 but only for Covid-19 related reasons); full details of the reason for short notice cancellation must be emailed to the PNA Covid-19 Officer –

In the case of any injuries sustained at the courts, the affected player should self-treat whenever possible; if it is not practical to self-treat then any attendee who can assist with the injury will need to use personal protection equipment (PPE). PNA will provide the PPE (face masks, gloves, and apron).

All accidents/incidents that occur at the university venue must be reported to the sports department duty staff member who will take the appropriate action.

Any attendee who develops COVID-19 symptoms up to 48 hours after the netball match must report to the NHS Test and Trace and if tested positive the attendee must notify the PNA Lead Covid-19 officer ( as well as their team Covid-19 officer.

Pre-Match requirements for each team

On the day of the match, and before leaving for the venue, the team Captain/Covid 19 Officer must receive confirmation from their match attendees that they have re-read and re-assessed their Covid-19 Symptom Check within the previous 12 hours (Annex A).

All attendees should arrive at the venue ready for the activity, changing rooms will not be available at the venue.

If you travel by car to your venue with members who are either outside of your support bubble or your household, and it is difficult to maintain social distancing, you are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering because of the enclosed space. You should also open a window when travelling to the venue to provide ventilation. Face coverings must be worn on public transport unless an exemption is in place.

Arrival at the Venue

PNA Marshalls, who will be on duty at the venue, will sanitise the goal posts prior to participants entering the courts.

All attendees are required to register on arrival by scanning a QR code that PNA will provide on the night of the match (see Annex B for details about the QR code). If required by the venue, attendees must also complete the NHS Track and Trace process (scanning a different QR code).

As a contingency to cover technical issues all attendees will also have to provide their team and name to the relevant duty marshals stationed at the court entrance. Attendees who have not registered will not be allowed into the court area.

All attendees will need to sanitise their hands before entering the court area.

The match ball must be sanitised before entering the court area.

A one-way system, which will be clearly signed, will be in place.

The Match

Each team will be allocated one end of the court (Home and Away) for their participants to use before the start of the game and during the quarter breaks. The first named team on the fixture will be the nominated home team.

If a participant removes any clothing before or during the match, they should place the clothing in a bag solely for their use.

Water bottles, whistles and other any other equipment brought to the venue for personal use must not be shared with any other attendee.

Social distancing must be maintained when changing ends between quarters.

The team match balls will be alternated between quarters, the ball must be sanitised prior to the quarter starting.

Players must sanitise their hands before the start of each quarter.

Teams will be responsible for wiping down the goal post in their allocated team area during the quarter breaks (Home/Away area).

If the goal post is touched during the game the umpire will ensure that the post is sanitised by one of the participants (most likely the goal attack or goal shooter).


All participants are required to sanitise their hands at the end of the game.

Teams should ensure that they have left no items on the courts after their match; used wipes, empty sanitiser bottles etc must be disposed of in the rubbish bags which will be located at the courts.

A one way exit system will be in place at the venue with clear signage

Each team will leave the court area separately, but promptly, when instructed to do so by a PNA Marshall/Committee member.

Participants in the early matches should clear the venue as quickly as possible so that there is no crossover with the attendees for the late matches.